Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 5 October 2006
That can't possibly be right
Jet Engine

While waiting for a server upgrade to finish, I clipped all the commercials out of the season 3 premiere of Lost.

It clocked in at under 25 minutes, including the teaser for next week. I figured I had to have thrown out a couple of segments of show along with the commercials, so I tried again. Same result.

Twenty-five minutes of show. Thirty-five minutes of commercials.

Absolutely fucking pathetic.

Update: It seems it's the VLC media player that's underreporting it as under 25 minutes (24:30 on Windows, 24:42 on Linux). Totem and Kaboodle both report it as being 24:34 long. All Windows apps which use DirectShow report it as 1:00:55. None of them, apparently, are showing the actual length of the clipped video. Weird.

Good thing Zach posted his comments; he saved me from writing an embarrassingly inaccurate complaint to ABC.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Really? It sure didn't seem that short last night.
According to the iTunes store, it was 44 minutes or so... are you sure you recorded the whole thing?
hee hee... happy to be of service. That VLC bug has bothered me for a while. What format did you record/edit in?
The PVR software I use (GB-PVR) records directly in DVD-compliant MPEG-2 format, so it's perfect for burning to DVD without transcoding.

Normally I use TMPGEnc MPEG Editor for cutting out commercials, but this time I gave GOPchop a try. It looks like it didn't reëncode the GOP timestamps (even though I selected that option), since the Windows DirectShow filters are reporting it as the hour-plus-one-minute I recorded it as.