Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 19 March 2005
What a bargain!

I don't usually buy movie soundtracks, but I loved the music in The Incredibles. So after dinner tonight, Karen and I stopped by the mall so I could pick up a CD.

There were two price labels on the wrapper: A generic one reading $18.98, and a store label boldly proclaiming "Our price: $19.99"

The girl behind the counter seemed embarrassed by it. "Oh, I guess they forgot to take the other label off. I guess we mark it up a buck."

She gave it to me for the lower price, but I think I'll be avoiding that store in the future.

Posted by godfrey (link)
iTunes Music Store price: $9.99. Unless you have a principled objection to DRM schemes, which is understandable.
Well, about the only place I listen to CDs these days is in my car. Would the iTunes DRM permit me to burn a CD?

Buy a CD of music? CD? iTunes? Pay .99 for per song? Bring out the dinosaurs and steam trains. Think of the lively hood of those poor Russian children!
In fact, burning a CD is the easiest way to defeat the DRM--after you re-import the files from the CD, they're no longer protected. iTunes allows unlimited burning of the DRM songs, although you are limited to only 10 burnings per playlist (so make a new playlist for the 11th disc).

I don't get the Russian children reference, though. :)
Just about anything you can imagine can be downloaded from certain grey-market Russian Web sites. I think the going rate is something like 5¢ or 10¢ per song.

Ah, to live in a country without the RIAA.