Singing Potatoes
Monday, 28 April 2003
"Was geht hier vor?"

While looking for something else entirely, I stumbled last night upon a Czech South Park site containing foreign-language versions of South Park clips.

For example, the Spanish, French and German versions of the "Uncle Fucka" song, or the French and German versions of "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch".

As amusing as they are, I still think the English version of "Uncle Fucka" is superior, as the other versions lack Terence's bemused "Hmmm!" (or is it Philip's?) when the flatulence starts.

Posted by godfrey (link)
what's the title of the french version of "uncle fucka"? the german is "onkel ficker", but french?


and, what are the titles of french and german versions of "kyle's mum's a bitch"?
All that information is provided on the page in the first link, in the section labeled "Mezinárodní jazykový koutek South Park". They've listed the foreign-language titles followed by the English titles.

It should be fairly simple to figure out which language is which.

The name of the French version is "Ferme ta putain de gueule, toi l'enculé "
Je le sais je suis Française héhé !!
Et le nom..
Pardon !!
The name of "Kyle's mom a bitch" is
"La mère de Kyle est une grosse conne"
Voilààà !
Hey guys, you must listen Uncle Fucker in spanish! LOL
no es tio cjones si no hijo de puta ^^;;;
eek, en españa o chile? eso depende, las voces parecen las mismas en los titulos de español y francés, pero en el de alemá parece ser la canción, si no un diálogo, además parecen ser las mismas voces de españa, o las original del inglés....