Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 11 September 2003
I don't understand politicians

Could somebody explain to me why, with all the expanded powers ceded to law enforcement by the USA-PATRIOT act which Ashcroft is traveling the country trying desperately to defend, he was adamant that the FBI be denied the right to see if suspected terrorists have purchased guns?

With privacy-killing provisions like "sneak and peek", which gives police the right to search your home without your knowledge, or forcing librarians to turn over patrons' reading lists, or greatly loosened wiretapping regulations, what is so sacrosanct about whether or not someone's bought a killing device?

And why don't I remember reading about this in the Tribune?

Posted by godfrey (link)
All I can say is just make sure this adminstration doesn't get a second term. It's fucking scary. And I'm scared enough as it is, thank you very much.
What are you linking to in the Trib? I just get today's page.
I'm just linking to the Trib itself, because I mentioned them. (I've discovered that there's no point linking to actual stories there, because once an article gets more than a couple of days old, they charge you $1.95 to read it.)

$1.95 for current events? No wonder the average IQ in this country is going downhill in a handbasket.
That's the Tribune. The Times doesn't do that.