Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 1 April 2003
Readers' Digest Condensed Comics

Find yourself taking too long to read the funny pages? Why not try the weekly synopses in the Baltimore City Paper?

Posted by godfrey (link)
"Before weighing himself on Sunday, Sarge exfoliates, shaves, picks his teeth, snips his nostril hairs, clips his fingernails . . . and takes a dump. Right there in full color, with only a stall door between him and the Sunday comics readership. "Now then!" he says, pulling up his shorts as he walks toward the scale. He has not, however, taken off his sergeant's cap."


Other than that, Mark Trail and similar strips are much more interesting that way.

Yeah; when boiled down to one sentence per week, Prince Valiant actually seems to move along pretty quickly.

Speaking of Mark Trail, this review definitely makes it more interesting:
MARK TRAIL: Monday, Anne notices her pussy sure has more energy. Tuesday, Mark and Cherry talk about Anne's pussy. "I'd like to have a few more pictures," Mark says. Wednesday, Mark calls Anne and asks to take more pictures of her pussy. Thursday, Anne pets what she thinks is her pussy, while telling Trail it's "getting a big head." Mark says the pussy "seems more active than when I was last here!" Friday, Anne tells Mark about all the wonderful things her friend Jim Cole did for her pussy. She and her pussy, she says, think Jim is a nice young man. Saturday, Mark Trail, having completed his task of photographing Anne's youthful pussy, takes time to talk to Anne's pussy while stroking it. Her pussy. P-U-S-S-Y. Pussypussypussy.

Sunday's featured plant: the moist, pink, vaginal pitcher plant. Its yawning mouth is doom.

