Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 11 November 2004
The Worst Band in the World
It Stinks!

A few days ago, Scott Kurtz of PVP posted a tale about a rock band in the convention booth next to his, which blasted the same five songs all day long, making it hard for him to talk with his fans, and who refused to turn down the volume. (I know where he's coming from; when I was trying to talk to the Hash guys at MegaCon; a couple of DragonBall Z voice actors had a booth across the aisle and insisted on doing annoying voices all day with their amps turned up to 11.) He posted a link to their site, saying he hoped a whole bunch of people wouldn't visit their site and drive up their bandwidth charges to get revenge for being such inconsiderate jerks. I didn't bother to listen to it, though; too many other things to do.

Anyway, Randy Milholland of Something Positive posted about how truly awful the music was. It tempted me to give them a listen, but not quite enough for me to actually do so.

But then Kurtz posted that the band's lawyers were sending cease-and-desist emails to people who posted links to the band's Web site. That, of course, piqued my interest — it's how I got into the fray against Scientology's assault on the Internet. So I downloaded the songs and queued them up into WinAmp.

They're either a brilliant Spinal Tap-like parody of awful heavy metal bands, or they're seriously that bad. I honestly can't tell which.

And Milholland is right; it does sound like they got a Muppet to do the backing vocals... but to me it sounds more like Animal than the Cookie Monster.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I nearly have the ringing out of my ears to do that man screaming the same three or so gibberish phrases for five hours. Do you find yourself running from the room in terror upon seeing youthful anime playing or at least getting a nervous twitch? I certainly do.
I was never really fond of anime voices in the first place; there tends to be a sameness to them which I find irritating.

Children (and, frequently, women) in anime seem to be only able to communicate in high-pitched shouting. Military men, especially generals, all sound constipated. Scientists tend to sound like they're halfway to Alzheimer's. And so forth.