Singing Potatoes
Monday, 22 September 2003

As there was no rehearsal on Friday evening, Brian, Karen and I went to see Underworld. I enjoyed it, but it's one of those movies which, the more you think about it, the less sense it makes. Warning: Spoilers ahead

I mean, ignore the little stuff, like the fact that it occurred somewhere in Europe where there were umlauts in the street names, yet everybody spoke English (even more mystifying because, although most of the characters' English was British-accented, the steering wheels were on the left).

No, I mean the big stuff, like why it would be shocking for a vampire to learn that another vampire would feed on humans, or how Selene managed to recuperate from her blood loss under the pier (not to mention why she didn't happen to notice that Michael was bleeding profusely from his shoulder where Lucien had bitten him), or exactly what the Lycans expected to accomplish with their little Mendelian experiment.

The movie was okay, but it suffered from the modern cinematic affliction of putting more work into the visual effects than into the script.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yes, but all the leather was so chic! And how come no female werewolves?
so true... you can read my mumbled review there on my blog. i really do want to see a sequel but i hope the story gets told a lil better, ya know? more attention paid to the dialogue. no more george lucas-ing.

i want to add that the writers were stuntmen and make appearances in the movie. the big werewolf guy is one of em.