Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 10 September 2005
Flock of Budgies
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

Earlier this month, Propellerhead Software released ReBirth RB-338 for free. I finally got a chance to install it and play around with it today. (Installation was a bit problematic, as the installer didn't like 2GB of RAM; I had to boot to a lower memory profile in order to get through it. Fortunately, ReBirth itself has no problem with reasonable memory sizes.)

It's a neat little package; it emulates two Roland TB-303 Bass Line Synthesizers, a TR-808 drum machine and a TR-909 drum machine — all pattern-based machines from the early '80s. Within minutes, I had Karen clapping with delight. "You're making Eighties music!" she beamed. And then, "Severin would like this." But I think that last bit was sarcasm.

Posted by godfrey (link)