Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 25 September 2003
End of a free lunch

A couple of years ago, when I tired of dialup and decided to go to broadband, the helpful Time Warner customer service representative asked if I wanted cable as well.

"Sure," I said, "give me just the lowest-tier cable there is." I don't really watch a lot of TV, but when I did watch it, the set-top antenna resulted in a lot of snow. So the cable guy came out, installed RoadRunner and cable, and that was that.

Until tonight, when two representatives of Bright House came to my door and informed me that I was only listed in their computer as having (and paying for) RoadRunner, and I needed to either buy cable or shut it off. And though it would cost me a $60 "installation fee" to have them leave it exactly as it was, plus an additional $15/month to actually watch it, I could get the digital cable installed free, pay $40 for one month at the "special rate", return the cable box and then drop back down to the $15/month "limited basic" package I had been receiving.

They were crack dealers. No, really. They gave us a "free" hit of digital cable in hopes that we'll want to keep it. Yeah, we watched Spongebob Squarepants. We watched "And Now for Something Completely Different". I could watch Stargate SG-1 when the new episodes actually come out, instead of watching them in syndication two years behind, at midnight on Monday morning. It's very tempting indeed. But I don't think it's $65/month worth of tempting, thankyouverymuch.

Posted by godfrey (link)
cable co. = rat bastards
((sigh)) I wish I could be that virtuous. We have the Premium Cable Edition, which means we have alll the standard cable channels (there's about 300 of them) plus alll the channels of one pay-for-cable channel (I picked HBO and promptly got hooked on Six Feet Under). Plus we also have about five different editions of Starz, and BBC America and two Sci-Fi's mean to do that to someone with addictive tendencies. I console myself that at least I don't have the Platinum Premium Cable Package, which gives you all of all the premium channels and costs ninety dollars a month. Ninety dollars a month! For cable! But it wasn't really the expense, it was more that I knew if I had that, I'd never leave the house. Right now, our cable bill basically equals our phone bill if we don't make any long-distance calls. I don't understand how the hell basic phone service can possibly cost $50 a month....
Did you know that at 4:30 in the morning, the vast majority of the channels are playing infomercials?
As a dedicated insomniac, I can tell you there are X-Files reruns on TNT and Sci-Fi at 1 and 2 AM, although even I don't stay up much after that.