Singing Potatoes
Friday, 4 February 2005
Thank you, spammers!

My blog got spammed today. Good thing it did, otherwise I wouldn't have discovered that the comment database had been corrupted. Once that was fixed, it was an easy thing to delete all the spam with a single SQL statement. I guess I'll have to add some anti-spam code to it after all...

Posted by godfrey (link)
GoDfReY, find your WAY to this XxXxX site! Hot jugs and coool MAmmmas!
Oh, it was way more generic than that. And they didn't manage to actually get a working hypertext link, either...

The same thing happened to my blog! How can this be? :)
I makes me wonder how many people visit and are utterly disappointed it's a website decided to animation software. Could you quit your current job and take control of Road Runner? They let too much spam through.