Singing Potatoes
Monday, 18 November 2002
If only there had been some sign.

De parvis grandis a cervus erit.
"Small things will make a large pile."

Posted by godfrey (link)
And sometimes the pile isn't as big as you want to believe it is.
Ah, but I think it was bigger than we realized. A little sign here, a little clue there, all easily overlooked on their own; but stick them all together and you've got a huge mountain which, in retrospect, should have been obvious.

All the clues were there, had we but put them together.
And here I thought you had just stepped in chihuahua doo...

Give Google thier fair credit when you borrow their phase.
I would, if it were their phrase.

As you can see by this page, it dates back at least as far as the late sixteenth century.