Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 20 November 2004

Apparently, the makers of Garritan Personal Orchestra (which should arrive on my doorstep Any Day Now™) are working on a Big Band add-on.

Now that thought has me salivating even more than the orchestral samples...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Aw, shoot... either I'm gonna have to pay you for your time, or I'm gonna have to buy this for myself.

Glenn "Squelch" Miller
Well, no big rush... Garritan won't commit to a release date for it, or even a ballpark estimate. "It'll be done when it's done".

Which is commendable, but frustrating at the same time.


You have no idea... another one of my "forever" projects is based on Duke Ellington's Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue, and doing it in software would mean at least that I'd only pay the songwriter's royalty, as opposed to the much more expensive recording royalty.

But then again, there's just no comparison to the live Newport recording, so that probably wouldn't work anyway.