Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 15 October 2006
Masons Ain't Right

A Google image search on a completely (I had thought) unrelated topic brought me to this 1930 catalog of supplies for Masonic ceremonies.

It includes such wondrous artefacts as the Fuzzy Wonder Goat, the Trick Desk Phone, the Molten Lead Test, the Invisible Paddle Machine, and more. Most of them could optionally deliver an electric shock to the victim ("See our electric carpets on pages 40 and 41!").

After seeing some of them, it now makes sense to me that Abu Ghraib could be dismissed by some as mere "fraternity pranks". If these are the sort of things people would to do those whom they ostensibly like and respect...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Did you note the baby doll? Wow.
See why I've always been amazed by them???