Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 1 May 2003
Jim Davis: Lazy Cartoonist

My earlier theory about Garfield only being produced by clip-art seems to have been borne out today; apart from the speech/thought balloons and a couple of inner detail lines, the first and third panels of today's strip are exactly identical, and the second panel differs only in Jon's facial expression. The character outlines in all three panels are the same.

Once I've finished making some more changes to the blog code, it'll be time for the Jim Davis Lazyometer (patent pending).

Posted by godfrey (link)
When did your interest in Garfield begin?
I enjoyed it when it first came out. Now, I only read it for the same reason I used to read Snuffy Smith when it was in the Tribune — an unhealthy optimism that maybe, this time, it'll actually be funny.

Although, for the record, in all the years I read it, I did find a single Snuffy Smith that was funny. But not funny enough to justify years of reading unfunny strips...