Singing Potatoes
Monday, 21 January 2002
Tick, Interrupted

Well, no big surprise, Fox has gone and canceled The Tick.

It was pretty much obvious from the start that they didn't think much of it; rather than debuting it on Sunday nights for a couple of weeks to gain an audience (like they do with all of their darling shows), they stuck it against NBC's Thursday night lineup, pre-empted it frequently, and shuffled it to other nights a couple of times without much notice.

So the last episode (Arthur, Interrupted) will air this Thursday. If the fan letter-writing campaign doesn't work, then eight meager episodes will be all that marked the third incarnation of the nigh-invulnerable blue superhero.

Superman had his Kryptonite. Achilles had his heel. But the Tick's nemesis is that slavering horde of network execs who prefer carbon-copies of successful shows to offbeat humor that doesn't follow a predictable formula and doesn't pander to the least common denominator.

Posted by godfrey (link)