Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 27 February 2003
Crack Lite

The NationStates game could be addictive, but fortunately it only gives you a maximum of two issues per country per day. Furthermore, the message board seems to be perennially broken, so there's no threat of sinking a whole lot of time into it. Five minutes per day is about all it needs.

Of course, it would be a completely different matter if players had the ability to trade or wage war...

The Empire of Singing Potatoes The Dominion of Ecalpon The Rogue Nation of Akbarbados The Dictatorship of 0ceania

You're permitted to create a maximum of four nations. So, I've decided to do an experiment: in my primary nation, I'll resolve the issues the way I think is best. In my second nation, I'll do the opposite of what I would normally do. In the third nation, I'll choose the most liberal option available, and in the fourth nation, I'll choose the most conservative. It'll be interesting to see how the nations develop over time.

(Speaking of being broken, what's up with the Teasmoke site? It seems like it runs out of disk space about five times a day, resulting in nothing but a Perl error message when I try to access it.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
((sigh.....I don't know.....))

One nation at a time is enough for me. I have been trying to do what I think governments should do for their people, only it's resulted in my being a Scandinavian Liberal Paradise, which reveals all sorts of things about me I just didn't want to know.
I'm happy I've been able to keep my "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy" label by doing the things I think are right. On the other hand, my "Psychotic Dictatorship" has the most compassionate people of all my nations! What's up with that?

"Dictatorship of Oceania" BWA ha ha. Nice joke.

I actually saw "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength" on a bunch of pole signs the other day (since pole-plastering is now apparently legal in Seattle again, well, maybe, people have been going at it and it's always a pleasure to read what's put up).

Didn't Big Brother have mustachios?
Yeah, I never understood why they made him clean-shaven in the 1956 version. If I remember correctly, they did give Big Brother a moustache in the version filmed in 1984.

Sigh. I remember when 1984 was still quite a ways into the future. At the time, the year 2000 seemed so distant, and I was astonished at how impossibly old I'd be when that year rolled around.

Some poor part of my brain still can't adjust to its being 2003.....yikes.