Was knocked out yesterday by a mystery twelve-hour fever. It all started in the wee hours, when I woke up afraid I was going to freeze to death. In Florida. In August. In a house where the air conditioning is not always satisfactory (to be charitable). Fortunately, my joints have stopped aching, the room has stopped spinning, and my temperature is back down to its usual 97.4 degrees1.
I wonder about the legality of copy-protected CDs. 17 USC 117 explicitly grants users of computer programs the right to make an archival copy without it being considered copyright infringement. 17 USC 1201, though, makes it illegal to circumvent copy-protection schemes, which would seem to abrogate the user's right to make a backup of a protected disc. Or, for example, use software to copy them to image files on your hard drive so you don't have to stick the disc into your computer every time you want to run a program.
1. That would be 36.333 degrees anywhere but Burma, Liberia and the United States.