Take a Doggs tongue and lay it under your great Toe (within your shooe) and the dog will cease barking as long as you weare the same.
Anoint your eyes with the blood of a bat.
Take a quill of Hempe stalke, and fill it full with Brimstone, and make it warme, and fire it and it will never goe forth with blowing.
Take gray Nettles while they be green, and put them in the patients urin, and if they remain greene, he shall live : and if they wither, not.
Take Harpe strings : and cut them in small pieces, and cast them but on meat, and they will stirre like wormes.
Anoynt thy hands with hearb Mercury: and put them in a seething thing, and it will doe thee no harme at all.
Put Oyle Olive into a lamp, and put therein fine powder of ground glasse, and light it, and all those that be about it will seem black as Egyptians.