Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 14 December 2002

I've noticed something about the Switch ads on Apple's Web site. There are two classes of people represented there.

First, you have the people who never actually mention having used a PC; mostly celebrities, like Yo-Yo Ma, Tony Hawk and De La Soul. They're just plain celebrity endorsements; there's no hint, either from the videos or their written stories, that they've ever even used a PC. A couple of "regular people" also don't even mention PCs, at least in the videos (Fabiola Torres, for example).

And then you have the real "switchers", people who mention how difficult they found the PC world, and how easy the Mac is by comparison.

(Okay, there's a third class: the Japanese Switchers. I have no idea which of the first two categories they fit into, since I don't speak Japanese, but Momoko Kikuchi makes the greatest facial expressions. I love the little perplexed/worried/pouting face she makes right before she coughs up a hairball.)

Anyway, the "real" switchers all have the same complaint: Windows is just too darned hard! It is? I guess these are the people who buy all of those "For Dummies" books. Now, don't get me wrong; I know plenty of Mac users who are quite intelligent, and who could easily master Windows if they wanted to. They simply prefer Macs.

I think the "Switch" campaign does a disservice to intelligent Mac users, because it paints a picture of the Mac as a Computer For Dummies. So with that in mind, I wrote some lyrics for John Murphy's "Spit" (the music they play in the background of the Switch ads):

Switchers (MP3, 408 KB)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Bravo, Maestro, bravo!
Wait a minute - a song where Windows comes out favorably? Who are you and what have you done with Jeff Lee???
Darren: Merci!

Karen: Hey, it's not like I said Windows was a great operating system. I just said it wasn't that hard to use.

Does anyone know where i could find the origional version of the song?