Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Road trip!

While I've been pouring nearly all my free time into an entry for the Internet Raytracing Competition, I'm taking Saturday off to go to MegaCon in Orlando. Had I known that Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes were among the scheduled guests, I probably would have bought tickets well in advance — and then been pissed when they canceled.

It's just as well I've already seen Mercedes McNab, since I plan to spend the day on the exhibitors' floor, hanging out at one booth in particular and soaking up as much information as I can; I've heard many times how edifying it is to see their demonstrator at work. While the thought of giving up an entire Saturday when the competition deadline is less than two months away isn't pleasant, I'm hoping I can pick up enough tips to speed up the creation process.

Besides which, I have email conversations with their support tech and programmers several times a week, so it'd be nice to actually put some faces with the names.

Posted by godfrey (link)
But first - the Job Jar. Muah ha ha ha ha!
I've seen that software at MegaCon before and yeah, you could easily spend a while absorbing how it works. The guy they have showing it off usually is good at answering questions.
Good, because I have a number of questions to ask. Like how to make the hair stiff enough that it doesn't fall through the head, yet flexible enough that it moves like it hasn't had an entire can of Aqua Net emptied onto it.

I would go to meet George Lowe, the voice of Space Ghost on Cartoon Networks "Space Ghost Coast to Coast". He seems the coolest one the list. And since I'm an 80's comic book girl, none of the artists I like will be there. Instead, I'll stay home and hang out with your wife.

And I'll stay home and hang out with both of our wives!
Ha! I win, 1 to Nothing!
"Next song! NEXT song!"
There are never any conventions where I live. Sigh... tell 'em I say howdy.
Will do. I wonder if Steve's going to be there? (I think he's still holding a grudge about the April Fools joke...)