Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 15 April 2003
War Without End, Amen.
You cannot have one part of the Axis worthy of a war without applying the same to the others. It would be disrespectful.

Thus writes Denis Horgan, a longtime columnist in the Hartford Courant whose column was recently axed, along with those of a number of other good writers.

When I moved to Florida, I was surprised by the entirely different tenor of the columnists in the papers here. Whereas Horgan and his compatriots at the Courant wrote intelligently and articulately, the local rag's top columnist writes in what I suspect is supposed to be a "folksy" manner — his sole idea of wit being to describe someone as, for example, "Senator Belfry, R-Inebriation, the John Belushi of Alcoholism", then follow it up with "Senator Belfry, R-Crapulence, the Descartes of Drunkenness", and continue ad nauseam throughout the column.

Thanks to the Internet, though, Horgan can continue to express himself, and his readers can continue to enjoy his writings.

(As long as they're not anal-retentive about the English language, that is; I was shocked — shocked! — this morning to see him put an apostrophe in the neuter possessive pronoun in the penultimate sentence of last night's entry. Tsk!)

Posted by godfrey (link)