Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 1 December 2005

Well, I'm working this weekend. So much for firing cannons, singing shanties and hanging out with the guys.

On the bright side, I'll make some extra money for — no, wait, I don't get overtime any more. Aren't I lucky?

Posted by godfrey (link)
You are so lucky. And I am lucky in the same exact way, for the same exact reason! Three times! This month!!

We really should celebrate, you know. I vote for firing cannons *at* people. I even have a list.
Well, that sucks. I know the crew was looking forward to seeing you, and I really wanted you to meet the crew of the Neptune, wacky as they are.
It well and truly sucks. What time does the parade start? If I can get out of the install early enough on Saturday, I'll drive over. Still no cannons, but honestly the cannons aren't nearly as important to me as the hanging out.

Parade starts at 7pm I think. It would be ever so cool to see you again.