Singing Potatoes
Friday, 12 March 2004
Speak up!

Today's top headline in the Tampa Tribune reads: Cutting Of Lynch Leaves Community Wounded. The story? The Tampa Bay Buccaneers let go one of their safeties.

That wounds a community? Excuse me, but an airplane flying into a building wounds a community. An earthquake wounds a community. A kid letting loose with an automatic weapon in school wounds a community. But a football team replacing one of its players? Come on!

Do you feel "wounded" by this? Speak up, I'd like to know.

Addendum: Below this story was one about some bombing in Spain, which clearly is small potatoes compared to losing a Tampa Bay Buccaneer to some other team!

Posted by godfrey (link)
Kinda sad about it, but not wounded.

Maybe the Browns will pick him up!