Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 15 October 2003

Over the weekend, I:

  • Went to an SCA event on Saturday. It was one of those deals where the autocrat put me on the bid as the site herald without actually asking first. Since I'm the baronial herald, I felt obligated to do it, but I wasn't thrilled at the lack of basic courtesy. Spent part of the day holed up helping Karen review geometry for her GRE. Heralded court, and found myself wondering if I'd gotten caught in a time warp, as both the scrolls were dated anno societatis xxxvij rather than xxxviij.
  • Cleaned up the house in anticipation of guests on Sunday. I'll admit it, my environs tend towards a bit of clutter. I didn't manage to tackle the kitchen table (which, like all horizontal surfaces in our house, tends to be a repository for miscellaneous items), but I got the computer room, the parlor, the den and the kitchen looking fairly good. Naturally, when guests arrived, nobody left the parlor, but at least the rest of the house is pretty clean. Now if we can just keep it that way!
  • Went to Jasmine Thai for Karen's birthday lunch, with Sev, Lisa, Brian, Sid and Ken, where I was bad and had two glasses of Thai tea and didn't even think about how many points were in the Amazing Chicken (and yes, it is amazing). At one point, I was talking about something — I don't even remember what anymore — and my right thumb suddenly spasmed and every joint from the tip of my thumb through the wrist contracted and locked. That's only happened to me once before, but this time there was no apparent cause. I find myself slightly concerned.
  • Went bowling with Karen, Sev, Lisa and Brian. I had a hard time keeping a grip on the ball, as my right hand still hurt from lunch. Karen beat me the first game (good for her!). It's been about seventeen years since I last bowled (and my muscles are still protesting their sudden return to now-unfamiliar positions). For the third and fourth games, I switched to a left-handed ball (though I bowl right) and my score improved by about 20 points.

Monday night was a waste; I watched a Battlestar Galactica two-parter that I'd taped from the SciFi Channel's BG marathon, then got sucked into the Stargate SG-1 Monday Marathon. Stupid cable TV...

Last night, a bunch of us went to see Gigantic at the Tampa Theater. Good movie, but apparently I was a bit harsh on John Linnell; that's just his typical live-concert demeanor, markedly different from his animated antics in music videos.

Posted by godfrey (link)