Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 15 June 2004
Signs of the Apocalypse

The movie reviewer for Fox News called Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 "a really brilliant piece of work, and a film that members of all political parties should see without fail."

I'm scared.

Addendum: I wonder how far the movie goes into the timeline of the interesting day.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm curious if the fact that he knew what was going on in Iraqi prisons and didn't say anything about it is going to negatively impact the box office of his film.
Hadn't heard that before. Shame on him. Was he hoping the story wouldn't be broken before F911 premiered, that he could scoop the news media?

Apparently, he had information that prisoners were being tortured months before the news hit '60 Minutes', and he delayed making that information known *until his movie came out.* He claims that he would have been accused of doing it to publicize his movie, but did he even think to simply make sure the government was aware that these things were going on, regardless of whether or not he received credit for the story? The only scenario he seems to have considered was the one where he broke that story and took the credit.

Additionally, he talks in that article about how much more impact *his* footage will have, still pimping publicity.
Thanks for the link to the "interesting day" timeline. Much to think about.
You know, the government knew what was going on all along in Iraq. Don't y'all be naive about that. Remember who was head of the CIA all those years? Hmmm? Duhbya may act the moron, but he knew what he was allowing to happen. And being able to pin it on someone else is just his style. Moore isn't a saint in any way, shape or form either. Each is using the media to their favor.