Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 31 October 2002
Is it live, or is it Memorex?

I half suspect that "Kelvin Gordon" is a random-text generator masquerading as a blogger, but some of the postings have a little too much coherence for that.

I'm tempted to write a program that scours the Blogspace to create a gargantuan training file for MegaHAL or some other frequency-based text generator, just to see what kind of job it would do in spoofing an online journal.

I suppose I'm maturing as I get older. A few years ago, I would shove all my current projects on the back burner as new ideas occurred to me, a habit which left me with countless unfinished projects. Now I just have a gargantuan queue of project ideas, which gives me time to weed out the unfeasible ones.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I can't believe you think Kelvin is fake! With all the bored English majors out there, I'm not surprised to find a blog like that. More like delighted.
I have to agree with Karen. I don't know if you can simulate sarcasm to that degree, and it's usually English majors that utilize language that florid in something like a journal.

Mind you, this in no way suggests that he's sane or even dangerously lucid.
If I'm not misinterpreting his post of October 21, then October 29th's post is just plain disturbing.

Which, of course, is probably his intent.

His writing style reminds me of a postmodern H P Lovecraft. On acid.