Singing Potatoes
Monday, 15 July 2002
We got both kinds.

This past Saturday was the annual Sinister Barbecue and Planning Session. However, due to the weather, we had Thanksgiving dinner in the Boardroom instead. A fourteen-pound turkey vanished, as if by magic, in front of our very eyes. True, there were ten people eating, but one of them was a young girl who ate nothing but corn. In keeping with Thanksgiving tradition, there was cranberry sauce. Both kinds — the real thing, and the stuff that holds the shape of the can forever.

Afterwards, to commemorate Sev & Lisa's return from Las Vegas, we watched Ocean's Eleven (the original, naturally), and then played vingt-et-un and poker until the wee hours. I've come to the conclusion that I hate wild cards and silly game variants; when you have to spend time equally dividing the pot instead of actually playing, it's a bad thing. I also came to the conclusion that Henry Silva's face was made of plastic. It was tight, shiny, and looked exactly the same as it did twenty-seven years later in Amazon Women on the Moon (though he still looked nowhere near as freakish as Michael Jackson).

Sev & Lisa brought back a six-pack of Romulan Ale from the Star Trek Experience, of which I had a bottle. I don't generally like beer, but this wasn't bad at all — only a slightly bitter aftertaste. And it was quite blue; the ale itself was dark blue, and the foam a shockingly cheerful day-glo blue. It stained my tongue blue, as well. (That wasn't the only thing it turned blue, but propriety prevents me from elaborating further.)

Posted by godfrey (link)