Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
No wonder I don't do this very often

I'm defragging my secondary hard drive, so I can get better performance when recording audio and/or video. It's been running for over thirteen hours now, and it's only 23% finished. Thank goodness it's only an 80 GB drive.

Speaking of computers, it's about time for me to buy a new case for mine. Last night, I installed one of these, so now I actually have more cables inside my computer than outside. And as anyone in the Consort can tell you, the outside of my computer is insane with cables. Of course, Karen, not being a computer geek, took a dim view of my new acquisition. "You just bought it because it's cool," she accused. Well, yeah. But now I can move the USB memory stick reader onto her computer, so she can retrieve pictures from her digital camera without going through my machine. So everybody wins!

But anyway, a new case. Must be larger, and quieter. Water-cooled, I think, is the way to go. More expensive, unfortunately, but hopefully something will happen that will make the expense completely justifiable.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'll get a Mac on the day they become as cost-effective as PCs and they add the capability of running Windows software so I don't have to shell out the cash to replace all my apps.

Although if someone were to give me a free PowerBook, I wouldn't turn it down.

Actually, the novelty of the VW was that it was air-cooled; all the rest of us have water-cooled radiators. So, he wants a case like a Cadillac or Jaguar.
Oh, wight.

"I know! Can you believe it?"