Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 28 February 2006
Upon reflection, that may have been sarcasm.
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Karen's mother got a new computer recently, as her old one died. I took the carcass off her hands, replaced the motherboard (leaky capacitors), CPU (slow) and hard drive (many, many bad clusters), and installed Linux on it — which brings the score up to three Windows and four Linux machines.

Karen's reaction to the new addition: "Oh, good. 'Cause we don't have a computer in the bathroom yet."

Posted by godfrey (link)
Hah! I understand her thinking! We have 2 laptops, 2 desktops in the bedroom (one a linux), one in each boys room (one windows, one mac). My husband wants my Dad's old machine, so he can turn it into another linux box...
I was offered an old DEC server from a Florida DL office I upgraded; I was going to put Linux on it... until I turned it on: 200MHz Pentium Pro with 32MB RAM. (My Linksys NSLU2 has better specs than that, and it was just a network storage device when I bought it.)

But, yeah, I know where she's coming from too. It's amusing to have a bigger network at home than the one at the last place I worked, but I'll probably move the better hardware over from my current Linux box onto the new one and retire the old one, since the new one has a faster CPU.

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Did you ever consider yourself an electronic necromancer?
A computer in the bathroom is better than a phone in there. At least no one can hear what you're doing... unless you want them to.
Hey, thanks to a wireless router and my Nokia 770, I don't need a computer in the bathroom. :-)