Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 20 October 2001
Beware the revenge of the geek.

I woke up twice last night, gagging on stomach acid. When this occurs, it usually takes me a couple of hours before I can go back to sleep again. Thus, when the noise of my neighbor's motorcycle woke me up for good this morning, I was in a rather grumpy mood.

While looking through my referrer logs, I found people arriving at a picture of myself in costume, with connections originating from somebody else's blog. Following the backlink to her blog, I discovered that she was making an untrue assertion about my sexual preferences, which normally I would have shrugged off because I generally don't give a rat's ass about such things, especially when they're the opinions of some random person whom I've never met.

But like I said, I was grumpy.

A few lines of PHP, and now people arriving from her blog are shown a picture of her instead. Sure, it's mean and petty. On the other hand, so was she. I think it's a fair trade.

Posted by godfrey (link)