Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 6 March 2005
Hooray, retcon!
It Stinks!

Or retroactive continuity, the alteration of a TV show's history to excise facts inconvenient to the current storyline.

Back in the pilot of the Battlestar Galactica remake aired, there was a scene where Colonel Tigh put a cigar through a picture of his ex-wife, who oddly enough looked exactly like the Cylon spy Dr. Baltar was banging, and who has been spending the rest of the series as Baltar's annoying imaginary friend.

A couple of weeks ago, they had an episode where another copy of Baltar's fantasy girlfriend showed up to accuse him of treason. I found myself asking, "Why is Tigh standing there right next to his ex-wife and not even reacting to her presence?"

But that conundrum was resolved in this week's episode, wherein Tigh's ex-wife comes back. As we see in the "previously" clips, Tigh wasn't burning his cigar through Cylon Chick's picture at all! Our memories — and the recording I made of the pilot — were just faulty, that's all it was.

Will the REAL Mrs. Tigh please stand up?

Do they really think the viewers are so dull-witted that they wouldn't notice? Yes, apparently they do.

Posted by godfrey (link)
They made Starbuck a chick. After that, what changes matter?
well, that doesn't bug me, the pilot was awful and the show (thankfully) is much better. They weren't sure if they were even gonna BE a series and so i know how availability goes for a role that was so minor in the pilot that she was ONLY seen in a pic.

It bugged me more that Stargate recast Elizabeth Weir for the Atlantis series.
oh and that's not the cylon chic, she's clearly much older and little more rounded and less brickhouse.
ACTUALLY! the wife in the first pic looks like actress Elizabeth Shue, took me a min to remember the name.