Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 March 2004

Why? Why do I read Family Circus every single time? I know I'm going to regret it, yet I read it anyway. Well, I suppose I should count my blessings; Snuffy Smith no longer runs in the Tribune, so I'm spared the agony of reading that.

I suppose it's optimism that makes me do it: maybe it'll actually be funny this time. Years of reading Snuffy Smith did in fact yield one amusing strip ("Fiddlin' Fergie! How did they like yore playin' at th' barn dance?" "They loved me! Right up until it was time to pass th' hat!"). Okay, so maybe it's only funny to busking musicians. But I'm not sure if it was worth suffering through years of misspellings, malapropisms and domestic violence packaged as comedy.

It's the same reason I watched Star Trek: Voyager week after week; it couldn't be bad every time, I reasoned. They actually did have a couple of good episodes (one of which was plagiarized wholesale from Robert L. Forward's Dragon's Egg); but again, it wasn't worth the expenditure of time, especially after they got rid of the ensemble-cast format and turned it into The Seven of Nine Show. At least I learned my lesson after six episodes of Enterprise.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Reminds me of that scene in "Go!" when the drug dealer guy is going off on how pathetic Family Circus is.

"Okay. You sit down to read your paper, and you're enjoying your entire two-page comic spread, right? And, you know, then there's the Family Circus -- bottom right hand corner, just waiting to suck. And that's the last thing you read, so-- it spoils everything you read before! I hate it, yet I'm uncontrollably drawn to it. "
I've never seen "Go!", but I think now I'll have to.

It's a great movie. I thought I was going to hate it, but it's really enjoyable.