Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 11 May 2004
Looking for Blogs

Because I don't believe in limiting my input to just one point of view, I've been reading a small selection of political blogs (in the sidebar under "There once was a musical troupe").

Unfortunately, since things have been going very badly for the current administration, the conservative blog ("the one in the middle") has retreated away from current events into defenses of outsourcing and chronicling his own growing fame in the media, so I think it's time to replace him.

Does anyone know of a good conservative blog that deals in facts rather than rhetoric? I'm not looking for one that simply spouts the RNC talking points or makes ad-hominem attacks on the left, I want one that is rational, intelligent and intellectually honest.

The one that I had been reading was that way, but as I said, he's really shifted his focus away from current events.

I've thought about splitting the rightward-looking link into neo- and paleo-conservative viewpoints, but that wouldn't fit the lyrics.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Thanks, I'll check it out.

Oh, one more, my personal favorite, WSJ's Best of the Web today, fact based, on politics and world affairs and updated every weekeday.
This one may be promising - it popped up on my Blog Snob.