Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 23 January 2003
Just Because

The topic of an upcoming Photoshop contest on Fark is to alter this image of Don Cherry. As soon as I saw the goatee and plaid jacket, I knew what had to be done:

Have a Hockey Jockey Christmas!

It actually took more time to find a picture of "Sam Snowman" than it did to alter it.

Addendum: for another contest, I also did this photoshop of Dubya's speech in front of the box backdrop, but I don't expect it'll score very well (unless there are a lot of SF geeks voting).

Posted by godfrey (link)
Sadly, as a jazz geek, I wondered, "Wha....Don Cherry doesn't look like that...."

(I fux00red the Hotmail add a bit because that add already gets TONS of spam. But you know what it is.)
Luckily I'm a hockey geek, as well as jazz geek. Now, internet geek I'm not, since I have NO idea was your last statement means.
Well, in regular English, she indicated that she had altered her email address to prevent it from being harvested by spammers' webspiders (programs that follow links on the Web and save all email addresses that they find along the way).

With my blog code, if you enter both an URL and an email address, only the URL is shown to the world at large; the email address remains hidden.

Ooh! that's nice.