Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 9 August 2003
Fibber McGee's Closet

I just spent six hours cleaning out my closet. Five trash bags, several now-empty boxes and a few odds and ends that won't fit into a trash bag later, and I now have a clean closet.

It's incredible how much stuff I've collected over the years. Much of it was junk that had followed me from Connecticut, which I couldn't bear to part with because I "might need it someday".

Out it all went. Old copies of music. Electronic parts. Computer power supplies, motherboards and peripherals (I even found a 486SX processor amongst the dross). A whole boxful of 5¼" floppies — one of which was a DOS 2.2 boot disk, and others of which were from my old Apple ][. I did set aside a portrait miniature I'd painted of someone who used to be a friend; I'll have fun burning it and putting out the flames in the old Boy Scout manner.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Did you whistle Eminem whilst you did so?
I did not. Actually, I was playing tapes as I worked, trying to find the master recording that contained the harpsichord music. There's more on there, which I never transferred to computer.

I haven't found it yet. But I will.

I am trying to at least get him to appreciate the B Boys.
Well, Milton Bradley's got a def one.
It's a Twister! (Twister! Twister! Twister!)
Yeah, all the girls and homeboys
Playin' Twister! (Twister! Twister! Twister!)
Spin the spinner and call the shot.
Twister ties you up in a knot.
That's Twister.
Yeah, Twister!

Oh, wait, that was Weird Al parodying the Beastie Boys. Never mind.
Backstreet Boys?
OH, Beastie Boys. Yes, that's goody goodness. My friend Eric and I used to do "Paul Revere" frequently in public places my junior year:

Had a little horsie named Paul Revere
Just me an my horsie and a quart of beer
Riding across the land, kicking up sand
Sheriff's on my tail cause I'm in demand
One lone-ly Beast-ie I be
All by myself I ain't got no-bo-dy
The sun is beatin down on my baseball hat
The air is gettin hot and the beer is gettin flat

Eric could do that "shhhh-ooooooook" sound perfectly.
I did it like this
I did it like that,
I did it with a whiffle ball bat

True art.
Brass monkey, that funky monkey.

Hey- good for you for cleaning out stuff. Its very liberating.
