Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 2 February 2008
First attempt

Well, it took me several hours of work over a three-day period, interspersed with many more hours of reading manuals and tutorials, but I've finally produced my first model in Blender:

(Click for larger pic)

Most of that time was spent on texturing; I'm not 100% happy with it yet, but it's more or less acceptable. I think once I get a handle on some of the differences, I'll end up being able to model things much faster than I could with either of the 3D apps I used previously. For what it's worth, I think it came out much better than the communicator I modeled in POV-Ray.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Very nice. I expect the difference between the earlier and later versions is 30% technology and 70% skill.

I like the Blender post icon, too.

One other factor was that the POV-Ray version was done using the Starfleet Technical Manual as a basis, which (as it turned out) was not entirely accurate. The new version was done by eyeballing a reproduction of the original prop.

(Eyeballing is pretty new for me, too. Try as I might, I can't figure out how to put a mesh point at a specific XYZ coordinate in Blender! Given my obsession over accuracy, I find this most distressing.)

Ha, I'd never heard of the "Will it blend?" ad campaign. Pretty funny!