Singing Potatoes
Monday, 3 November 2003

This is clearly not the right month for me to try and write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. Too many obligations for me to simply stay home, be a hermit and write my fingers off.

I will, however, work on the novel for at least an hour a day on every day that I can, until it's finished. Whether it takes a month or a year, I will finish this novel. So the progress meter comes down off my blog this year; I'm not limiting myself to thirty days, and it'll be finished when there are no more words worth writing, regardless of wordcount.

(Speaking of which, 254 people have signed up to use my progress meter this year, nearly all of them in the last two days. Whoops, make that 256. Wow; I didn't even advertise it anywhere this year! I'm kind of suspicious of the guy who had exactly 25,000 words written less than 48 hours into NaNoWriMo, though...)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Setting a reasonable pace for one's writing is always a good thing.

In other news, I'm hungry.
You go. If you let people read it when you're done I'd be honored to do so.

(not fishing, just offering)
I will, however, work on the novel for at least an hour a day on every day that I can, until it's finished. Whether it takes a month or a year, I will finish this novel. So the progress meter comes down off my blog this year; I'm not limiting myself to thirty days, and it'll be finished when there are no more words worth writing, regardless of wordcount.]

Good for you! Goals are good. Anything is better than nothing (believe me, I've had nothing for years....).

Progress meter??
Progress meter! A little something I hacked together last year.
