Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 21 August 2003
The Joy of Bulk

Back when I was growing up, my father always boasted of his "frugal Scottish nature". "Frugal" wasn't the adjective I'd have used (nor which anyone would have used when describing me, but for an entirely different reason; I guess I didn't get the tightwad gene).

I had my own opportunity to be "frugal" recently, when I discovered that the local Home Depot was apparently getting rid of its stock of GE Reveal light bulbs (which are the kind I prefer). They were selling them for fifty cents a four-pack. So I picked through the few remaining boxes to find the only ten that didn't have any broken bulbs.

Forty light bulbs for $5. I was quite pleased with myself, even though I realized that it was an incredibly mundane and trivial reason to be smug.

Posted by godfrey (link)