Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 26 November 2003
Another one for the list

Years and years ago, a friend gave me his old electric guitar when he bought a new one. I've barely used it, and when doing an AudioEdit for a Fark contest this week ("Dies Irae" from Mozart's Requiem as a rock instrumental) I remembered why.

It's impossible to get into tune. If I tune the open strings, the notes go sharp when I fret the strings. If I tune the strings fretted in first position, not only do the open strings sound flat, but the higher frets still go sharp. When recording "Dies Irae", I had to retune the guitar for each part and avoid playing open strings. Oh, and the high E string isn't picked up as strongly as the other strings, even when I adjusted the pickup so that it was steeply diagonal in favor of high E.

So I guess I'll eventually need to get a new electric guitar if I do more projects which require the use of such an instrument. Hopefully I can find an inexpensive one that sounds good (and has a classical-width neck).

Posted by godfrey (link)