Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 30 January 2003

There must be something about the end of January/beginning of February that gets to me. Almost exactly a year ago, I got disgusted with this blog and took it down. Just like I did this year (though this time I didn't actually delete the actual entries, just the blog code).

So here I am again, yippee. Because I had to reconstruct the style sheet from scratch, I took the opportunity to give the blog a new look (and I decided to cancel my self-imposed ban on eyecandy graphics while I was at it).

Posted by godfrey (link)
And it's absolutely unreadable in Netscape 4.7, due to the heavy use of CSS2. Well, too bad; the Web can't stay in the stone age forever. I just wish I knew why the top line on the comment boxes gets omitted under Internet Exploiter.

The letter-writing campaign must have paid off!
glad you're back! Was wondering where ya were yesterday...
Nice to have you back.The potatoes are especially all kinds of wrong - something like muppets but more creepy because of the real teeth. Nice touch! A++.
Eeep, your potatoes are freaking me out!
Wow, it looks very nice. I am GLAD you're back. And I love the potatoes. I might nag you to design me some singing Xanax.
Well, I'm glad someone likes the potatoes. Karen also thought they were "all kinds of wrong".

Although Now "more creepy"! would make a good tagline.

Well, you're talking to someone who managed to sit through Meet the Feebles twice....
I've never heard of Meet the Feebles... now I'll have to check it out!
Um....think Muppets....on acid with disturbing sexual criminal and drug subplots. Directed by Peter Jackson.

Hunh, is there any possibility you could have SAD tendencies? I have some friends who really crap out around January and February, and the abbreviated daytime seems to be a real problem for them. One of them lives here, in Seattle, too. I told her to maybe consider moving to Arizona....
Well, hell, if I had SAD living in Florida, then I'd be a pretty sad case. Uh, no pun intended.

HA! Well, sometimes just the seasonal change even can affect people -- not necessarily the amount of light you get; just the lessening of it can sometimes set depression off. I used to get sickeningly depressed while living in New Mexico, so I knew I didn't have it.