Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 2 September 2003
My eyes!

So I was reading through my referrer logs, and found a hit on my page of Wilbye's madrigals coming from a LiveJournal community. I clicked through to see what was in the post which linked to the madrigals.

It was Frasier fanfic. Frasier slash fanfic. I think I'll just leave it at that.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Was it Niles quoting madrigals to someone? Or even juicier than that?
Apparently, the author felt that Frasier is the kind of person who, while being "serviced", would be thinking about the lyrics of a madrigal.

Aaaauuuugggghhh! I guess we'll have to kill the "Frazier and Niles" routine.
Well, at least it wasn't incestual slash. It was Frasier and some guy named Ray.

Not Ray Romano, I hope?
give us a link to said slash!
Knock yourself out.