Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 26 August 2003
Linky Changeness

Rather than adding a whole bunch of LiveJournal links and weeding out the ones that have gone "friends only", I got lazy and created a button for all of them, which leads to my LJ friends page. Yes, there are still two catablog buttons pointing to individual LiveJournals, for two reasons:

  1. They're friends in real life. [note]
  2. I like the buttons that Karen and I made for them; it would be a shame to throw them away.
  3. Without them, the list seemed pretty bare and pathetic indeed.
  4. Obviously, I can't count.
Posted by godfrey (link)
I may let you make me an lj friends button.
Well, the last time I updated the list you didn't have an LJ acct. Hell, Lisa checks my friends list more often than I do.
That's okay; I can just transfer my revenge to somebody else, who apparently doesn't like any of us. Muah hah hah, etc.

Who is Banchomarba?
With interests like "irish things, potatoes, textiles", I'll give you one guess...

Couldn't be; she said she'd never have a blog. You know, like she'd never have more than 3 SCA outfits, never have a big tent, never have a need for a trailer...

Never say never, eh?
Hmmm... what else has she said "never" about?

Soon, her journey to the Dark Side will be complete.