Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 23 October 2003
Thanks, but no thanks.

A couple of days ago, I got an email from the producer of a film. He'd seen some of my computer graphics work, and explained that they'd bitten off more than they could chew and needed people to do special effects for the film.

He mentioned some of the cast members attached to the project: John Astin (The Addams Family), Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica), Richard Biggs (Bablyon 5), Jason Carter (Babylon 5).

In return for my work, I'd get... (drum roll, please!) a credit on the DVD.

Sorry, but I'll pass. I wish him well in his venture, but I'm not going to put in hours of blood, sweat, toil and tears for nothing more than my name scrolling by at the end of a straight-to-video release. If it's not worth paying money for, do it yourself.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm glad you said no, even though at first glance it looks interesting. So many times people think that artists and writers just live to see there name "up there", and don't have to pay bills. That, or they think artists are stupid.
there = their. I r a Englisch major.
ooohhhhh ohhh jason carter!!!!! oh my god! he is soooo great, Biggs too, I've met them both, and dueled jason (long story), send him my way! I'd do it for him. If I did that kind do thing... ooooooo.
I would so do it, it leads to other stuff, stuff you can get paid for.