Singing Potatoes
Friday, 15 November 2002
Missed Opportunity

I dropped a coworker's paycheck off at the bank today (she's on vacation), and as I entered the lobby, I noticed a sign which read:

First Union is now known as Wachovia (wa-KO-vee-ah).

It seems to me that they've locked themselves out of a great marketing opportunity by pronouncing the "ch" like a "k". I mean, "Someone to Wachovia" would be a great slogan if it were pronounced as in "church".

I mean, I know it's pronounced that way because it takes its name from the town in North Carolina which was settled by Moravians (who named it Wachau, and it was later changed to the Latinized version Wachovia). But still...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Imagine if it had been "Walachia" instead of "Wachovia", then they could have featured Vlad Tepes, Voivode of the House of Basarab, as a spokesperson. There seems to be something appropriate in the association of a mad and bloodthirsty 15th century Eastern European Prince, known for draining the life from his enemies in a variety of unsavory and torturous methods, and a bank.
Or a law firm... (Wolfram & Hart, anyone?)

Oooh, it took me a minute to get your meaning. It's Monday, and I'm slow.