Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 4 December 2002
Eudora: Crazed Censor

Warning: Potentially offensive language follows. If you're anything like the CAP Alert guy, and rude language sends you into a frothing-at-the-mouth tizzy, you might want to stop reading now.

Eudora, the mail program I use, has a built-in "MoodWatch" feature that lets you know if an incoming or outgoing message contains offensive language.

I've long wondered about the person who programmed the filter; for example, it considers "fellatio" to be an offensive word, but not "cunnilingus". Similarly, "cocksucker" gets flagged as rude, but "carpetmuncher" doesn't. However, "Dick van Dyke" apparently has a rude last name (and if you don't capitalize it, both his first and last names are flagged as offensive), yet "Penis van Lesbian" passes without comment.

In fact, "penis" isn't flagged as offensive unless "vagina" also appears in the message (and vice-versa). "Ass" is offensive (even though it can also mean "donkey"), but "arse" (which only means the buttocks) is inoffensive — even though it does flag "arsehole" as obscene.

But the weirdest thing was when I received an email today that was flagged as offensive. I read the whole thing, and couldn't find a single offensive thing in it — not even a "damn" or "hell" (which, amusingly enough, aren't considered offensive by Eudora). So I copied the whole text of the email and pasted it into a new message (for Eudora highlights potentially offensive words as you type them).

The offensive phrase? Black velvet.

I'm completely mystified. What on earth is offensive about black velvet?

Posted by godfrey (link)
I was confused about this on the Animaster list as well--for some reason one particular lister was _always_ obscene. The reason? He tagged himself as a member of A.F.T.R.A., and apparently A.F. is obscene in Eudora-world.
Curiouser and curiouser.

I blame the Stonecutters!
"Who keeps down the electric car
Who made Steve Guttenburg a star?"
My guess is that the person who created the Eudora filter knows a sexual euphemism that no one else (except perhaps prison inmates) seems to know for some kind of licentious deviant behavior.

Or perhaps he/she is a costumer and is appalled at the obscene cost of black velvet fabric.

Or fixated on the Allanah Myles song.

Or unhappy with the British Punk music magazine of the same name.

Or perhaps not a fan of porn film(s) of the same name.
Hmmm. Well, I just tried a bunch of odd prison and non-prison sexual slang terms, none of which seemed to faze it. And other velvet colors passed muster.

Even weirder, I just discovered that "black velvet" only gets marked as offensive if it appears two or more times.

I'd love to know who got paid to sit around and think up offensive words and phrases to put in there. I want that job.

And speaking of licentious deviant behavior, why do hits from people searching Google for the phrase "milk maids" show up pretty much every day in my referrer logs? Is that like a slang term used by people with a lactation fetish?

Have you tried any other interesting word combinations to see what Eudora spits out, like donkey punch, dirty sanchez, Cleveland steamer and blumpkin?
Eudora seems blissfully ignorant of those terms (as well as "tossed salad", "felching", "shrimping" and "queef", which were words I tried earlier).

I'm glad I'm blissfully ingnorant about most of those terms - especially Cleveland steamer!!
Weird addendum: the term "hooters" immediately brands the message with three chili peppers — the highest offensiveness rating. Even if it's the only word in the entire message.

Someone at Qualcomm has issues.