Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 29 April 2003
DIY Swag

At one point in The Beast, some of the players were lucky enough to get swag from the film A.I. I wasn't one of the lucky ones, so thanks to the magic of CafePress, I made a little bit of swag for myself.

Not from the movie, which I suppose was okay, but from the game itself, which was infinitely more interesting.

Click for larger image
(click image for larger version)

Okay, so it's not the same colors as the prop used in the game, since CafePress only prints on white mugs, but I think the colors from BWU's Web site look pretty good too.

Posted by godfrey (link)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! ((screams in delight)) How do I order one! I want one! ((pantpantpantpant))
Muah hah hah hah...

I'll send details via email. Don't want just anybody claiming to be a Bangalore grad, now, do we?


Did I tell you that I am the reason my family stopped opening presents Christmas Day and instead started opening them on Christmas Eve, because they couldn't bear my obvious torture until sunup? Did I tell you that?
You know, I actually prefer the BWU colors on the website (what is that -- navy, or dark blue? and yellow is my favorite combination actually) to the prop used in the Game. I wonder if they realized how much money they could get if they put all those props up on eBay -- unless it's all sitting in some Microsoft warehouse somewhere, like the Grail at the end of the movie....