Singing Potatoes
Friday, 14 September 2001
To work in a storm

So now, in addition to everything else that's happened this week, my county is under, variously: a tropical storm warning, a hurricane watch, a flood watch and a tornado watch. Government is shut down, schools are closed, bridges are closed. Better leave early for work. For my office is still open.

I had trouble falling asleep last night, something that almost never happens to me. Something was missing, and it took me a while to figure out what it was. Sound. I've become so used to the omnipresent background noise that comes from living near a huge airport that it no longer registers on my consciousness; now that the airlines are shut down, what registers is its absence. When the rain started, I slept.

Whoops, lights just flickered. Time to unplug.

Posted by godfrey (link)