Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 19 September 2002

Today be "Talk Like a Pirate Day", according to that scurvy dog Dave Barry. Well, shiver me timbers, and all those cliches.

Updated the blog code this morning, mainly for Karen's benefit (added an image-upload module, to spare her from the vagaries of FTP), but I also made minor modifications to the posting module to prevent it from interpreting HTML entities in the text-entry area (such as —) after a preview/edit. The old version worked, but the HTML Validator complained about the presence of high-bit characters.

I'm happy with the image-upload feature. Apart from the actual uploading, it determines the images' dimensions and constructs several different snippets of HTML code which can be copied and pasted into the "new blog entry" textarea (right/left/center image alignment, links, et cetera), adding appropriate alt tags as well.

A test: "There's no emoticon for what I'm feeling right now!" Comic Book Guy

Posted by godfrey (link)