Singing Potatoes
Monday, 15 November 2004
Here we go.

I get back from an SCA event to learn that the White House has ordered a purge of Democrats from the CIA.

Wasn't there some other country, a few decades ago, which purged all non-Party members from some branches of its government?

What gets me is that the White House set up its own intelligence office which stovepiped all the raw Iraq data around the CIA, so they could cherry-pick out anything that helped bolster their case for war without being vetted for accuracy by intelligence professionals. And when the information turned out to be bad, the White House blamed the CIA for the intelligence failure. And the media let them get away with it.

I had to laugh at a Fark headline, though: VP Cheney rushed to hospital. Bush notified, ready to assume power if necessary.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Hey, you know it's unpatriotic to criticize Dubya! Now look what you've done...the terrorists have won.