Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 11 June 2003
Scribal Night

Last night, Lisa hosted Wyvernwoode Scribal Night at her house. (Though I believe they call it "Scroll Night", in the SCA's tradition of using inaccurate terminology.)

I had fun, though I don't think I'd go to one if I actually wanted to get scribal work done; there was at least as much socializing as actual calliggling.

A good time was had by all, and we traded "games" — like "There's your girlfriend", "Count the Hos", "Wal-Mart Bingo" and "Punch Tard". The latter is similar to "Punch Buggy", but instead of punching your friends upon seeing a Volkswagen, you strike when you see someone doing something totally stupid, like a teenager walking around with his pants halfway down his ass.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Bizarre. Anne and Martin tried to convince me there was this actual "Punch Buggy" game, but I just couldn't believe them. Then again I was an isolated only child who never did much on car trips except loll in the back seat reading and munching candy till I was dreadfully sick.
I actually didn't learn about it until I was long grown and moved to Florida; a married couple I knew played it fiercely with each other. One punch for a Bug, three for a Microbus.

After the Wannabeetle came out, they considered it valid for scoring purposes. Philistines.

Calliggling, not to be confused with keggling.
THAT word is not to be said. You know better. Grrr.
I did learn that Illuminatuion is not an instant gratification sort of thing. (Hence, my super-secret project might take longer than expected.) In any case, I did learn that mixing colors is harder than I thought, water in small doses is your friend, and that with watercolors, you work from light to dark.
Punch buggy is real! We do it in ohio.

and I want to know these games, please! Especially "count the hos"